

You’ve spent time writing an article, blog post or maybe even a book, but there is still something missing. Something you can’t quite put your finger on.

Does this sound familiar?

The truth is, you’re probably too close to your own writing to give it the scrutiny it needs.

Have you ever used the same word so many times that it loses meaning? Have you spent too much time on your writing that you’ve lost objectivity?

I will look at your writing with fresh eyes and bring industry experience and technical know-how to the task.

I’m here to help!

Proofreading or Editing- Which One Do You Need?

My services are separated into proofreading and editing. You might not be sure what your document needs – and that’s OK. Hopefully, this will make it clearer.


Proofreading is the final stage before publication. Your writing has already had extensive editing but you need someone to spot those rogue errors.

The proofread is the final spit & polish to ensure typographical, grammatical and formatting mistakes haven’t slipped through.

What is the process?

 Word documents are marked up using track changes.

 PDFs are marked up using commenting tools and boxes.

 If it’s your website you need proofreading, we can discuss what will work best.

What I focus on:

writing and editing


Editing is ideal if your copy needs refining. I can help with structure and fix any major issues with flow. 

I’ll go into greater depth looking at section by section, paragraph by paragraph. This means checking the strength of your argument, the quality of the sources or description, brand voice (for marketing) and the scope of the writing.

Content editing considers all your objectives as a writer or a business and focuses on:

  • your ideal readers
  • how you position yourself as an expert.

If you’re open to suggestions for improving the text, as well as correcting what’s wrong, then I can do both at the same time.

Since your project is bespoke the price will be, too.

If you have the copy ready to send, that will help me price it up.

I’ll focus on whether the copy is well-organised, the transitions between paragraphs are smooth, and your sources really back up your argument.


What sets me apart from other editors?

What you will get with my services is a professional who has a degree in English. Not all proofreaders | editors will have qualifications in English.

I have a background in research which means I am able to understand complex technical jargon. I offer a quick turnaround, and my attention to detail is unrelenting. My workload is largely based on recommendations from clients.

I will respect your writing as author of the content. My aim to improve the writing, not erase your voice.

I’m scrupulous and able to work at speed without sacrificing quality.

What does this mean for YOU?

If you want to create high-quality content your audience can engage with, then I’m the editor for you. I’m reliable, highly skilled and understand the complexities of language, grammar and punctuation.

I research and analyse and make sure every detail is correct – and not just with the language. I’ll spot duplicated images, rouge commas, and inconsistencies in your writing.

I’ll go over your copy more than once. By the time it comes back to you, it’s had a completely thorough, eagle-eyed proofread.